Our school promotes Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L).  We expect all students, teachers and whanau to demonstrate our values.

We support our students to follow these four values by teaching and practising our expectations, just as we do for reading, writing, maths and other curriculum areas.

These values are supported by the golden rules of circle time:

We are gentle and we are kind and helpful

We listen

We are honest

We look after property

We work hard

Rewarding Positive Behaviour

There are many ways that we acknowledge and reward students for following the school wide expectations of responsibility, respect and relationships and resilience. Some of these are:

  • Gotchas
  • Whanau Tokens
  • Classroom Rewards
  • Team Certificates
  • Principal’s Awards
  • Whole School Rewards

Evidence-Based Practice

Positive Behaviour for Learning includes the use of evidence-based practices.
  • A consistent school-wide system of support that helps define, teach and support appropriate student behaviour, creating a positive school environment.

  • School-wide discipline practices including establishing clear consequences.

  • Teaching social skills, helping students to manage their own behaviour.

  • A focus on prevention of problem behaviour and teaching and practising appropriate behaviour.

  • Supporting staff to intervene effectively to manage behaviour in the classroom and other school environments.

  • Active supervision at break times.